Friday, October 14, 2005

Phase One, Take Two, Day Five

My wedding dress had to be taken in an entire size or more! :D

I'd like to apologize to a few people (who know who they are) for neglecting them lately and not replying to their emails, or replying like a week later. I'd like to apologize to my SMAO buddy in particular, who I am supposed to be there for to support and encourage. All I can say is I wish there were about 10 more hours in each day. With the wedding less than a month away (!!!!!) things are REALLY starting to get crazy, and I've been taking time off work, then staying late to make it up, then running around like a headless chicken after work: to the shoe store, to the WalMart, to the craft store, to another shoe store. I know that you all understand, but I feel like apologizing anyway. I am thinking of you.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Same as yesterday.
Snack: string cheese
Lunch: Another salad w/leftover london broil, jello
Snack: Fresh mozzerella and tomato drizzled w/O+V
Dinner: Catfish, summer squash & onions, side salad.

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