Thursday, October 13, 2005

Phase One, Take Two, Day Four - Wedding Dress Fitting Today!

I've made some changes in my mealtimes so that it now looks like this:

9am breakfast
11:30 snack
1pm or so lunch
4 or 4:30 pm snack
7:30 or 8 dinner

and it seems to be working out well. I was previously eating lunch at noon, which made having a snack b/w breakfast and lunch rather silly, as they were only 3 hours apart. And I was having my p.m. snack so early that I was STARVING by the time I got home, let alone by the time I made dinner and got to eat it!

Another thing that is a pain but has been so helpful has been making weekly menus and shopping for the majority of the food at the beginning of the week. This forces me to stick to the menu, and I can't say "I don't feel like cooking; let's just go out" because I've already purchased all the ingredients.

I've been having the most divine and easy breakfasts this morning. In a coffee mug, scramble an egg. Add 1/2 slice chopped Canadian bacon and some chopped tomato. Microwave 2-3 mins. on high. Today I added a little chopped feta. DIVINE.

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