Last night's dinner: grilled tuna steak and asparagus w/a sprinkle of M0lly McButter. I love Molly. She's so good and buttery to me.
J (my underweight fiance) is eating the same dinners as me, but is free to add a carb to his mix. I bought him 2 sw. potatoes, and there are single-serving dinner rolls in the freezer. But he wanted rice. Glorious rice. So the whole time I was making this meal, I could SMELL the glorious rice cooking gloriously. And then I watched him eat it, and I do believe I drooled a little.
So the ricotta creme was... interesting. Good thing I actually LIKE ricotta, like, right out of the container. I was going to start w/vanilla creme. I picked up the brown jar of vanilla and oh-so-carefully turned it sideways so that I wouldn't pour too much in. Then I turned it a little more. Then a little more. Then 180 degrees. Then I realized it was empty. Eh. So I added the cocoa and espresso powder and Splenda, and stuck it in the fridge.
Halfway through the movie we were watching, I got my late(ish) night sweets craving, and went for it. It looked like dog food. I sprinkled a little more espresso powder on the top (I had already mixed some in; probably should actually read the recipe beforehand next time) and tried not to think about it. It was not quite sweet enough (note: 1-1/2 packets of Splenda next time) and had a weird texture but satisfied the craving. Then I wanted more. There was no more. :(
This morning began with mushroom and asparagus omelet. With cheese! (which is also glorious.) Is my pee going to smell funny forever? How much asparagus is it safe for one to eat?
WARNING: Turkey Rollups (recipe given in the book) are NASTY. Cilantro mayo is FOUL.
Lunch was good, though: chopped salad w/tuna. Except mine was particularly good b/c I made an extra tuna steak last night, and used that instead of canned tuna. I have just slightly modified the Week One menu so that I have easier lunches made with leftovers, such as today's, and Thursday's, which, instead of a sirloin burger (no bun) and some lettuce, will be a salad with sliced sirloin (leftover from Wed. night's dinner entree) on top. Which sounds better to me anyway. BTW, what's the deal on bleu cheese or feta in phase one? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Have to go out with J to visit his relatives who are in town this week. I told J I'd rather not eat at their house, b/c I'm not ready to ask them to prepare me a special meal, and I'm only on Day Two so my willpower is still a little low. We'll go out for dinner (and I will be STRONG! RAWR!) and then go see them. Thinking now about what I can eat and where. Suggestions welcome.
Note new ticker below! The first 11 lbs. of loss were over the course of many months. The 12th pound is since yesterday!
YAY 12th pound!!! I told you this diet is motivating!
feta=not good for phase 1
blue cheese=I'm not sure. They allow you to use blue cheese dressing, but warn you to avoid most soft cheeses in phase 1 (other than marvelous laughing cow of course).
Some of the recipes in phase one use feta or blue cheese - the greek salad, for example. I guess as long as it's not a LOT of it...
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