Thursday, December 29, 2005

A month and a day...

...since my last post, and I'm "maintaining" only in the weight sense of the word. I've been eating quasi-crap, you know, healthy-ISH. And also a whole lotta holiday unhealthiness along the lines of sweets, savories, and all calories in between.

I HAVE been trying to hold myself accountable for anything I eat, good or bad. I pick it up, I say to myself, "I am now eating a _______." At least I'm noticing what's going into my mouth, and therefore less likely to shove so much in there.

Looking forward to the end of the holidays (ending with New Year's) and hopefully the end of food gifts and food-related fun. Have been collecting recipes which are SB-friendly and I will post them as I try them out. Maybe I'll even have a little fun and take some pix too!

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Jeremiah and I, Christmas Eve, smiling excessively b/c we both started tickling each other when my brother said "Say Cheese!" (Oh, and I finally did it - chopped all that hair off!)


Anonymous said...

I love the haircut! It's GAWjess. SO chic!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture!!!! The happy newlyweds. :) Great haircut-it really flatters you. I've been itching to do the chop again, but I'm trying to wait until after the wedding. I'm not wearing a veil and I need my hair! I think you and I will be taking the same plane back from our SB vacations. It's phase one-totally phase one-on January 2nd. I'll have to share some new recipes-I made yummy sugar free peanut butter cookies for my niece for Christmas.