Friday, August 19, 2005

Ready, set, diet!

Today is Friday, August 19, 2005, and I have decided to take the plunge that is South Beach. This weekend I shall purge my house of all offending carbs, either into the trash can or into my stomach. I shall make a menu for the next week, and then I shall go to the grocery store and stock up on eggs, Canadian bacon, and all the other niceties of Phase One.

I have 85 days until my wedding (thanks for the pressure,!) and I'd like to lose at least a small percentage of the 60+/- total pounds that is my ultimate goal. I also have to attend a wedding on September 24 and it would be nice to lose just a few pounds before then.

Let me tell you a little about myself and my eating patterns. I have been steadily gaining weight for about 10 years. I love to cook, but lately, esp. with the heat, the thrill has been missing. I usually cook healthy meals but then slack on snacks or eat crappy meals when I don't feel like cooking. I also have a fiance, J, who is UNDERweight and has as much trouble gaining as I do losing. This makes it very hard to keep to a diet, b/c he needs all those foods that I can't have, and b/c he can't go on a diet with me. Man, sometimes I wish he was fat, too!

So I'll give this SB diet two weeks and see how I do. From what I hear, it's great at taking the pounds off. I don't know about all these eggs, though. I'm not a big fan, and I don't wake up early enough to cook breakfast, which I guess will have to change. I am also seriously hooked on Kashi GoLean Crunch, which I am sure is not allowed, at least in Phase One. I'll have to see if I'll ever be able to eat it again. Maybe after Phase One, as lunch or something?

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