Monday, June 25, 2007


No change in weight this week (probably due to vomiting this weekend - not on purpose!), but feeling crappy.

I see an obvious connection between how I eat and how I feel, yet I eat crap anyway. Why? Because it tastes so good! And it's so damn cheap and easy!

Need to get back on the ball, and definitely need to get my body moving. This has been a stagnant summer for me so far. I haven't even made it to the ocean yet (I HAVE gone to the bay!) and it's almost JULY!


Maybe I'll have to start thinking of some new and exciting recipes soon. I even ran out of Lean Breakfast Pockets and haven't made my way back to the store yet.

1 comment:

she's mighty mighty said...

You can do it if you try! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!

Go shopping. Do yoga.

According to your ticker you only have 10 more 4 pound chunks to lose to get to your goal. You can definitely do that!